Elizabeth Huntley
Harp instructor
Phone: 518-893-7495
Email: ehuntley@myxiwei.com and elizabethmharp@gmail.com
Office: Zankel Music Center
Personal webpage: www.emhuntley.com
A graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music, harpist Elizabeth Huntley is
one of the NY Capital District/Saratoga/ Lake George Region’s busiest musicians. She
regularly performs for weddings, parties and corporate functions all over the area
at popular venues large and small. She is a member of the Glens Falls Symphony and
teaches at Skidmore College and SUNY Adirondack.
She is a board member of The American Harp Society Foundation and The Historical Harp
Society. Currently the editor of the Historical Harp Society Bulletin, she served
as editor of The American Harp Journal from 1998—2017.